Verse of Retaliations

With the fall of Ignis Fatuus, Krause was once again cast from the Alium. Brandon Dunn was declared the God of death, and Deltz the God of betrayal. King Robert was blessed with longevity for his deeds and in being so blessed, King Robert lived long. But the holy war was not over, not yet. Krause had a second army that advanced upon the town of Laeta. Unseen by the celebrating townspeople, the army simultaneously slayed all of the watchmen. Chickenleg, fatigued by a day's worth of watching the horizon and hungry for his next meal, could not see that the guardsmen had been replaced by agents of the Fatuus cult. An arrow goes by Chickenleg's head and removes the rope, the bell, now permanently silent, rocks slightly from the arrow's Force Push. Chickenleg looks up to search for his assailant, but it is too late, for an arrow pierces his heart. Chickenleg, no longer able to breathe, falls down the ladder and into his private quarters. The celebrations continue until someone screams. Large flaming boulders are raining upon the people of Laeta. The town crier shouts, "The end is nigh, the world destroyer has come to consume us." One of the boulders smashes the gates, and a flood of Cultists enter the city, attacking the townspeople. King Robert tells the people to retreat into the temple as he draws his sword. An army of 3,000 flood into the town and Robert cuts them down as they approach. As the people are entering the temple, they are greeted by Chickenleg's dead body and the cultists that had killed the watchmen. The townspeople begin to lose hope as the cultist army surrounds them. King Robert, seeing the enemies emerging from the temple, retreats to save his people. He hands his sword to his former foe Adamastor, as he eliminates the ambushing party in the temple. Robert sees the enemy, and he challenges them to Mortal Kombat. Robert defeats all of the fake guardsmen singlehandedly and unarmed. After defeating the ambushing party, Robert climbs the bell tower to assess the invading army. However, he is unable to see the enemy for there is not enough light. If there was light, the people in charge of the trebuchets would be able to pelt the enemy with boulders. Robert kneels and prays, for he is beginning to lose hope. He asks for assistance in winning the battle. His prayers finished, a somber Robert leaves the bell tower and retrieves his sword from Adamastor. Together, they lead the defensive push against the Fatuus incursion. The fighting is stale, neither side gaining an advantage over the other. Robert strikes, they parry, he ripostes, they block and it starts again. Adamastor attacks, they parry, he blocks and feigns, they prepare a block, he attacks an unblocked point, and they deflect. The cultists scream and begin a retreat. As Robert turns to see what could have scared the blasphemers so, a large crash echoes across the lands. The eyes of the people beheld, Zemlya's first lightning, Bariq's gift to the people of Laeta. The people cheer as the cultists retreat. But one of them fall and activate the traphole. Trapped between the hole and the forces of Laeta, the cultists decide they might as well die fighting. In the flash of light from the lightning, the trebuchets were able to see the cultists and struck them down with 90 kg projectiles of fury. The cult was vanquished.