Verse of Creations

In the beginning, Greene created himself, and The Alium; in The Alium, only he existed within, he decided that that sucked and created his first child by forming her from the air. Her name was Donald Trump Sr. Greene then reproduced with his daughter, Donald Trump, the Goddess of money, to produced his first grandchild, Barden Maud. He said unto Barden, "You shall beeth the Goddess of smurtness." This birthing and assigning of duties to his children continued on for many millennia, then Greene became annoyed with the overpopulation of his universe, so he used his gravitational pull to pull everything togethereth and causeth the bigeth bangeth. After he caused the bigeth bangeth, he created a universe that was constantly expanding, using the souls of his progeny to create the stars. He used the placenta from the births to create the planets and all solids. He then used the flesh and bones of the dead Gods to create the dinosaurs. And he used the blood to create water, lava, ice, and snow. After millions of millennia, he got bored of his giant fidgeteth spinner, the universe. In his boredom, he willed into being, Donald Trump Jr, the New Goddess of money. He birthed Braden Daum, the new Goddess of smurtness, and many others. The dinosaurs ruled the Earth, in all of their mighty floatingness. As it turns out, Dylan Streck, one of the Gods, disliked the idea of floating dinosaureths, so he bless-edeth Earth with gravity. Dawayne Johnsin, the God of stone, rock, meteors, and The Rock, became annoyed with the existence of the dinosaurs. So he used console commands to spawn in a largeth meteor to killeth the dinosaureths. Brandon Greene, being once again annoyed by the void in this planet he oversees, decidedeth that something should inhabiteth tha planeteth. He summoned a council of all of his progeny, but only Harambe showedeth up. It went to a vote, and Harambe voted for primate. Since no one else showedeth up, he allowed the primateths to walketh the planeteth. When they first walkedeth on the planet, the primates walked on four legs. Dylan, being perturbed by this site, allowed them the ability to slightly overcome gravity and ascend to bipedalism. TJ Krause, the God of annoyingness, is banished to Earth, and stripped of his power, by a unanimous decision amongst the others. TJ was the first human. TJ's assistant (Toby Maguire, the God of stupidity), who had not been banished, felt pity for him. So the assistant, gave TJ fire and the first human female, Alex. The assistant is banished to the tutorial world for his stupidity; however, he was still allowed to have his power of being the God of stupidity.