Verse of Arrogations

After TJ's and the assistance's banishmenteth, the humans walked the Earth, all two of them, with TJ their king. After many days of boredom, the two humans eventually defiled each other, and named the first child Big Smoke. The Gods, astounded by this defilement, decided that something must be done. They hold a meetingeth and decide upon two things: this defilement should be banned, and so it is, and some sort of game should be created to distract them away from this defilementeth. Aidan Jones volunteers to create Tetris, a game that would keep them distracted, and so this game is created, and Aidan becomes the God of it. The first humans were not good parenteths and didn't want to look after Big Smoke. So they gave Big Smoke Tetris so they wouldn't have to deal with him again. It workethed like a charmeth. Big Smoke loved playing Tetris. He played it for every secondeth of every minuteth of every houreth of every dayeth of every weeketh of every montheth of every yeareth for many a year. And so began the trend of parents using videogames to babysit children. But this left Brandon Greene very angry. So he cursed TJ with immortality. TJ became very angry at the Gods, and began to despise them. This human wrath had never been encountered before, and so it was placed under the duty of Kim Jong-Un, the God of human wrath. TJ saw many generations come and go, and saw his friends and family die, his hatred for the Gods growing ever more intense. Eventually, the humans became annoyed of TJ's hatred for the Gods and realized that by engaging in this hatred, they themselves were angering the Gods. So they left, and those that remained were cursed by the Gods to forever live in hiding in the caves. They began to worship the false god, Ignis Fatuus. Those that left wandered around the Earth, having nowhere to go. Until, walking in the sand, Chickenleg received a message from Greene himself. Greene said unto Chickenleg, "You must construct a safe haven for those that would live in the name of Greene, then you shall be blessed with intelligence." And so, Chickenleg created Laeta and its archives. The city thrived and its inhabitors were happy for happy for many a month. One day, one of TJ's followers delivered an edict, its statement contained the following: "Chickenleg is a false prophet, and Greene is a false God. Cease and desist this immoral following, or you shall be destroyed." Chickenleg, afraid for his people, communed with Greene, and Greene said unto Chickenleg, "Memores acti-prudentes futuri." The Gods knew all that TJ was planning and the plans of those that he worshipped, this blasphemy would be ended in holy war. Chickenleg said to Greene that he was no military leader and that he would never kill a man, for that is immoral. Greene so said unto Chickenleg: "Do die and kill for the holy cause is to be indeed most holy. But alas, if you will not kill, then you must hold a competition of intelligence and strength to determine the king and military leader." The competitions held pitted everyone against each other, the weak and unintelligent were eliminated from the competing. By the end of the day, there stood only two people willing to continue the competition. The giant, Adamastor, and the humble Robert. The challenge began and Robert first showed his mental strength, with Adamastor showing feats of strength. Adamastor challenges Robert to a duel, and as he approaches Robert, Robert issues the words "noli turbare circulos meos." Adamastor stops, and contemplates these words, and decides to smear one of the circles with his feet. And tells Robert that Robert will never defeat him in a duel. Robert, disturbed by the disturbance of his circles, issues a second phrase, "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru." The giant taunts Robert once more, but it is too late for Adamastor, for Robert had already [metaphorically]removed the giant's head from the body. In preparation for the battle, Chickenleg had constructed teeter totters for use as weapons, blessed the soldiers, bolstered the town walls and prepared the temples for use as hospitals. King Robert used what time he had to teach the people the proper use of the sword and other weapons and conditioned the people for the battle. Robert prayed to Streck for protection, and Streck blessed him with two inventions, the trebuchet and the trap hole. And so Robert had the engineers construct many trebuchets while he dug several trapholes outside town. The sun rises on the day of the cultists siege on Laeta. The town is entirely militarized, the means of production seized, only Chickenleg remains inside the temple tower, searching for sign of the enemy, waiting to sound the alarm at their sight. But the bell remains silent, for it never had the chance to be rung. For the battle, was not occurring at Laeta, it was occurring in the Alium, it was a battle for which the Gods had been preparing while the people of Laeta had been preparing. TJ's army would enter through a portal opened by Yacobi Deltz into the Alium from Zemlya. When man first set foot in the Alium, all was lost. The sky turned from its usual black to a red, rain hammered from the sky, the very ground they stood upon shook and roared with an earthquake powerful enough to move worlds. The armies of the cultists were cursed and banished, deformed by their own impurities. All the cultists gone, all but one, Krause himself sets himself in Greene's throne, and the sky turns a bright light, with an extremely bright being inhabiting the sky: Ignis Fatuus, willed into being by the cultists. Ignis Fatuus laid many attacks upon the Gods, but this attack failed, for Brandon Dunn had blocked it, and in doing so, died. King Robert, seeing Ignis, challenged him to a duel. Robert's ascension into the plane within which Ignis exists, froze time in Zemlya. The duel waged on for a century, for every attack, there was a block, and the battle was stalemate. As the battle waged on, Robert's energy began to drain, and his fighting began to become sluggish. Ignis landed a single blow across Robert's leg, and Robert stops fighting for one moment. Robert looks down in a moment of self-doubt, a moment of questioning, as he sees the blood running down his legs. It is in this moment of pause, that Robert says to Ignis a selection of words that will ring through eternity: "You fool, your pointless attempts at an assault only steels my resolve." Upon saying this, Robert slays Ignis with a final slash from a random scythe he found.